Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wow, I am not a Blog Virgin anymore.... oh well!

Ok....bit scared here, not sure what to make of all this blog business, not sure if this is something that I will love or hate with a passion. I must clarify something first and foremost.....I must explain the word dagbog!!! It is actually a Danish word meaning 'DIARY'!!!!! I would rather see this as my online diary than 'blog' but the Danish word is soooo close! I love it! My Grandmother's family were Danish, so there is the link, and there is the reason for such a stooooopid but very cool word! I am well aware that I have to put some effort into my profile and all that jazz, I am sure that I will eventually get's only taken me years to master Facebook. So, I must have a little look around here and get a grip of what I have got myself in to.......Hmmmmm....ok.....see you round like a rissole.... R xxxxx


  1. hi Rachel! This is Katie, as in one-of-your-crazy-UK-relatives-on-facebook-Katie :p I've been keeping a blog for a few months now, it's good fun. I just wanted to say welcome to the blogosphere anyway!

  2. Well done Rach, its looks great! I was in stitches about the Dagbog, had to get my glasses as I thought I wasn't reading right LOL
